Retro Throwback: The HotTT

On Sundays, please enjoy the Retro Throwback where I share my favorite posts from some time ago.

So…have you guys heard about this new hot yoga teacher training (The HotTT)? I learned about it through a Yoga Buddy on FB (aren’t yoga buddies the best?).  On their website, the HotTT is described as:

…true alternative to Bikram yoga teacher training. It is an 8 week – 500hr Yoga Alliance Hot Yoga Teacher Training where you will learn to teach the Primary Series (26+2), in an intense training environment, without the associated attachments.

Now, let me be clear about a few things before we get much farther:

(a) I am not a certified yoga teacher of any shape or kind

(b) I know nothing about the HotTT other than what is on their website (and through a couple of email exchanges)

(c) All I know about the standard Bikram yoga training is what I have read on his website and what I have learned from talking to people who have experienced it

(d) I’m not endorsing either curriculum. I’m sharing some information about a new program and my reactions to it.

What Got Me Looking at The HotTT?

Since the HotTT bills itself as an alternative to traditional Bikram training, I was curious as to what that alternative looked liked. You can view their curriculum, and I think you will see that there are similarities and difference to theBikram training. The things that stood out to me as obviously different, is that The HotTT is the three day course on meditation and the expectation that you will participate in regular meditation exercises during the training.

If someone will force me to do meditation I might get he hang of it.

The second difference with HotTT is that you get to learn aboutyin yoga. Admittedly, I do not know anything about yin yoga except my acupuncturist is always telling me to go do it. On the HotTT site, they describe yin yoga as a complement to the hot yoga that we do – which is exactly what my acupuncturist tells me. You also get introduced to Synergy partner yoga and kids yoga.

Do You Want to Know Why I am Not Already Certified?

There are some practical reasons as to why I am not already certified. The first is that Bikram runs his trainings in direct conflict with my work. I know I am different in that I am only contracted nine months out of the year. Since Bikram training starts near the end of April I maybe could maybe kinda sorta work something out as I’m usually wrapping things up when he’s launching his spring training.  But there’s a bigger hold out for me….


I like to get my sleep. I have no problem working my butt off, but I need to get at least seven hours of solid sleep, and I do not think I’m being unreasonable here. Have you heard about the Bikram trainings? You should expect to stay up past midnight often and get very little sleep. I have no idea what the point is of being sleep deprived, and I don’t care. That does not sit well with me.

precious sleepThis is one thing that I noticed and immediately appreciated about The HotTT is that you will get your rest. Weekdays typically run from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Saturdays usually done by 3:00, and Sundays are optional activities. The sample schedule shows that you should expect to take two 90 minute classes most days Monday-Saturday (same as Bikram).

Some Other Interesting Differences

I don’t know how many people attend Bikram tranings, but I know the answer is more than 200 at each. For The HotTT, it’s limited to 50. So you will get to know the teachers, and they will get to know you. And as a teacher, I like that. This is important. Teachers will know how to support you and help you grow into someone who is ready to launch as a new teacher when they leave. Maybe that is the case too with Bikram – I can’t say – I just know that the conditions for The HotTT are set up in a way that supports this.

The price is currently cheaper (10, 650 vs. 11, 400 for Bikram). However, The HotTT includes two meals in this price which I am pretty sure you do not get with Bikram – at least not normally. I’m not sure how things will be playing out at the new Thailand location.

Now, the thing to keep in mind is that you are not certified as a Bikram instructor when you complete The HotTT training. Trust me, this was the first question that came to my mind. But of course you will be certified to teach hot yoga generally speaking, and it might be possible that you would have more opportunities available to you. It’s something to explore.

Look how easy I am to take care of.

By the way….do you have kids? The HotTT has childcare options to discuss with you. I have a pug. Are there pug care options? :)

Wanna Go?

Right now The HotTT has three trainings lined up. This is personally great news for me as I could likely make the summer training in Europe. Now, realistically, I probably won’t be doing that. I just spent all my money on a shiny new water pump for my car, and I’m going to be getting a shiny new tooth soon! That mess costs at least half the price of teacher training! I only wish I were joking.

I’m not sure how I feel about not being an officially certified Bikram teacher, but it is something I would be interested in having a conversation with someone at The HotTT at some point – maybe in a year or so. From an instructional perspective, I am very impressed with the thought and consideration they have given to both the curriculum and to the students. It looks like an excellent program with a lot of potential. If anyone ends up going, let me know!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. LeighAHall (@LeighAHall)
    Oct 14, 2015 @ 21:10:44

    Retro Throwback: The HotTT #bikramyoga #yogaholicsmag


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