Tree Pose with a Snowcone!

Today I moved on to another pose in my snowga project – tree pose! Here I am posing in front of the menu with a sour cherry/sour tsunami snowcone:

This pose was a lot easier to do than Standing Bow (which someone renamed Standing Rainbow. if you have suggestions for a rename of Tree just let me know). First, I can usually hold it a long time to begin with. I was able to get into it and have Mark hand me the snowcone without a problem. I like how I thought to put my hands in prayer on each side of the cup. Two poses down and 24 to go. I’m not sure if I’m going to incorporate the breathing exercises or not. Probably I should just to round the whole thing out.

Snowga Begins!

The snowcone stand has been open for a week now. Today was a perfect day for starting snowga. I also learned that apparently snowga also means doing yoga in the snow. Who wants to do that? That sounds awful. I’ve got a link at the bottom about it. I like my version of snowga much better. If it were snowing outside I would not be out there doing any of these poses. I would be at my Bikram studio keeping warm.

Here’s my first posture: Standing Bow while holding a medium sour cherry/lime with the pucker punch added on (to make it more sour). Mark came up with this combination. It’s like having a sour cherry lime-aid. Awesome.

This was kind of hard to do. First, I didn’t have a mirror in front of me so I had no idea where my foot was in relation to my head. Second, I could only kick back so much and go down with my body so far before I fell out. The snowcone really threw me off balance a bit. Just for the record, they don’t give us snowcones to hold and eat during Bikram yoga so I am not used to it. I think we should have them at savasanah time, don’t you? Just a small one because I am not greedy. I bet I could work a deal with the owners of my local stand if anyone reading this is interested. I am totally willing to take the lead on this. Not trying to make more work for any instructor. Just think about it….